J-04) D Tran, T Yucelen, "Finite-Time Control of Perturbed Dynamical Systems Based on a Generalized Time Transformation Approach", Systems & Control Letters, 2020.
J-03) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, D Casbeer, "Distributed coestimation in heterogeneous sensor networks", International Journal of Control, 2019.
J-02) D Tran, T Yucelen, E Pasiliao, "Formation Control with Multiplex Information Networks", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018.
J-01) D Tran, T Yucelen, SB Sarsilmaz, S Jagannathan, "Distributed input and state estimation using local information in heterogeneous sensor networks", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2017.
J-01) D Tran, T Yucelen, SB Sarsilmaz, S Jagannathan, "Distributed input and state estimation using local information in heterogeneous sensor networks", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2017.
J-02) D Tran, T Yucelen, E Pasiliao, "Formation Control with Multiplex Information Networks", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018.
J-03) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, D Casbeer, "Distributed coestimation in heterogeneous sensor networks", International Journal of Control, 2019.
J-04) D Tran, T Yucelen, "Finite-Time Control of Perturbed Dynamical Systems Based on a Generalized Time Transformation Approach", Systems & Control Letters, 2020.
C-14) D Tran, T Yucelen, "An Experiment on Vision-Based Leader-Following for Multiagent Systems", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2020.
C-13) E Yildirim, SB Sarsilmaz, D Tran, T Yucelen, "Control of Multiagent Systems with Local and Global Objectives: Experimental Results", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2020.
C-12) D Tran, T Yucelen, "A Generalized Time Transformation Method for Finite-Time Control", American Control Conference, 2019.
C-11) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "Dynamic Information Fusion with the Integration of Local Observers, Value of Information, and Active-Passive Consensus Filters", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2019.
C-10) J Jaramillo, T Wieczorek, D Tran, VS Dadi, T Yucelen, S Chellappan, "Experimental Validation of a Distributed Control Approach Based on Multiplex Networks on Formations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2019.
C-09) D Tran, T Yucelen, SB Sarsilmaz, "Control of Multiagent Networks as Systems: Finite-Time Algorithms, Time Transformation, and Separation Principle", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2018.
C-08) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, D Casbeer, "Distributed Coestimation in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks with Time-Varying Active and Passive Node Roles", American Control Conference, 2018.
C-07) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "A New Result on Distributed Input and State Estimation for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
C-06) JD Peterson, G De La Torre, T Yucelen, D Tran, KM Dogan, D McNeely, "Resilient Control of Linear Time-Invariant Networked Multiagent Systems", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
C-05) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "On local design and execution of a distributed input and state estimation architecture for heterogeneous sensor networks", American Control Conference, 2017.
C-04) D Tran, T Yucelen, JD Peterson, "Resilient Control of Active-Passive Networked Multiagent Systems in the Presence of Persistent Disturbances", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2017.
C-03) D Tran, T Yucelen, "On control of multiagent formations through local interactions", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016.
C-02) D Tran, T Yucelen, E Pasiliao, "Multiplex information networks for spatially evolving multiagent formations", American Control Conference, 2016.
C-01) D Tran, T Yucelen, "Control of multiagent formations: A multiplex information networks-based approach", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.
C-01) D Tran, T Yucelen, "Control of multiagent formations: A multiplex information networks-based approach", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.
C-02) D Tran, T Yucelen, E Pasiliao, "Multiplex information networks for spatially evolving multiagent formations", American Control Conference, 2016.
C-03) D Tran, T Yucelen, "On control of multiagent formations through local interactions", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016.
C-04) D Tran, T Yucelen, JD Peterson, "Resilient Control of Active-Passive Networked Multiagent Systems in the Presence of Persistent Disturbances", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2017.
C-05) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "On local design and execution of a distributed input and state estimation architecture for heterogeneous sensor networks", American Control Conference, 2017.
C-06) JD Peterson, G De La Torre, T Yucelen, D Tran, KM Dogan, D McNeely, "Resilient Control of Linear Time-Invariant Networked Multiagent Systems", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
C-07) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "A New Result on Distributed Input and State Estimation for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
C-08) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, D Casbeer, "Distributed Coestimation in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks with Time-Varying Active and Passive Node Roles", American Control Conference, 2018.
C-09) D Tran, T Yucelen, SB Sarsilmaz, "Control of Multiagent Networks as Systems: Finite-Time Algorithms, Time Transformation, and Separation Principle", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2018.
C-10) J Jaramillo, T Wieczorek, D Tran, VS Dadi, T Yucelen, S Chellappan, "Experimental Validation of a Distributed Control Approach Based on Multiplex Networks on Formations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2019.
C-11) D Tran, T Yucelen, S Jagannathan, "Dynamic Information Fusion with the Integration of Local Observers, Value of Information, and Active-Passive Consensus Filters", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2019.
C-12) D Tran, T Yucelen, "A Generalized Time Transformation Method for Finite-Time Control", American Control Conference, 2019.
C-13) E Yildirim, SB Sarsilmaz, D Tran, T Yucelen, "Control of Multiagent Systems with Local and Global Objectives: Experimental Results", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2020.
C-14) D Tran, T Yucelen, "An Experiment on Vision-Based Leader-Following for Multiagent Systems", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2020.
P-01) T Yucelen, D Tran, "Tools and Methods for Distributed Spatial Control of Swarms via Multiplex Information Networks", US Patent App. 15/838,889, 2018.
P-02) D Tran, T Yucelen, SB Sarsilmaz, "Distributed Process State and Input Estimation for Heterogeneous Active/Passive Sensor Networks", US Patent App. ..., (Pending).